Archive for March, 2010

Quick look at financials

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

I haven’t been tracking the financial stuff too much lately because… well honestly because it’s getting boring, we’re in the waiting period now before the next major bubble disruption occurs, which will be government debt/currency inflation.

But I’ve found some good articles lately anyway.

The financial system is fundamentally unsound because it depends critically on large connected financial institutions who have scaled up in a way that magnifies any localized financial problem into a systemic problem.
Edward Harrison, Why I’m Now Less Optimistic About Credit Crisis (

This is a good read, well linked to other sources, one of the more interesting ones being The recession is over but the depression has just begun. I’d say that’s fairly self-explanatory. I liked this guy enough to add him to my links just on the basis of those two articles.

Then moving over to the old standby,, there was a slightly odd article, basically about how capitalism has to be controlled, regulated, and in some sectors, largely dismantled (finance for example). Weird stuff.