In case you’re wondering where this is all at.
The riser pipe tube was cut at about 100 ft or so from the BOP unit, then they tried to saw with the diamond band saw device the riser tube from the top of the BOP, but it got stuck and the diamonds wore out, so then they cut the riser pipe a bit above the BOP, which makes creating the seal between the below device and the BOP device a bit harder.
The LMRP Cap preparation work and installation is proceeding as planned. Today the riser has been cut. The LMRP Cap will be in place later in the week. To help understand this process the following videos are available.
Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP) Cap
I couldn’t get the video to load right on this page, sorry, so just click to watch the LRMP video
And that’s where it stands right now.
You can also watch all the live underwater cameras on one screen at That’s pretty cool.
How the Top Hat method works
Here shelburn from explains how the top hat works
shelburn on June 4, 2010 – 4:07pm Permalink | Subthread | Comments top
Repost from previous thread
It is obvious that most people do not understand the basics of how the top hat is supposed to operate. And BP, per usual, has not thought it necessary to explain anything.
The Top Hat Seal
For a number of reasons the top hat seal is NOT a pressure seal. It is designed to try to keep seawater out, not to keep oil in.
Let me repeat – The top hat seal is NOT a pressure seal. It is designed to try to keep seawater out, not to keep oil in.