A small interview type film feature Colin Campbell (wikipedia) and Chris Skrebowski was just made, Natural Regression (click to watch). Gives a good overview of some of the key points of how petroleum and our modern ‘economy’ interrelate. Good stuff.
These two guys connect some dots that I think are worth considering, especially with regards to how a fundamental component of our economy, petroleum begins to affect things in a ripping manner as it peaks and as the predicted economic volatility begins to occur.
I especially liked the observation that as oil income began to skyrocket in the oil producing nations, that money came back to the USA and other financial sectors, and those financial sectors began to search around for investment vehicles, of increasingly low quality, to generate the returns. Things like, say, sub-prime mortgages, that is.
Not to reduce matters to just one cause, but this was clearly a reality, money was really flowing back to US/British finance from oil countries as prices peaked at $147 a barrel or so.