Real quick, here’s a May 17 video of the blowout plume. this is from Senator Bill Nelson’s blowout page.
That doesn’t look very sealed to me, that’s all I can say.
Let’s hope the attempt to pump drilling mud at very high pressure behind the leaking BOP components is more successful than this particular attempt. Good ongoing discussion at
And also lets keep in mind, we are now strip mining Canada for its oil sands, Canadian standard liquid oil production is in decline, and apparently the oil sands oil is just about making up for the oil that is lost through decline. Can you say running faster and faster just to stay in place? Good, I thought you could.
Drilling off the coast of Nigeria, pirates invade, ripping apart the tundra and vast resources of the Canadian wilds, using vast amount of natural gas in the process to heat the oil. Drilling at more than five thousand feet, then down some 10-20,000 more feet, or even deeper, to get at the last available pools of oil.
And nobody is saying the obvious, umm, I think it’s over folks, it’s time to stop, our brilliant lack of planning isn’t working out very well.